Friday, January 8, 2010

2009 & 2010

Every one takes up resolutions for the new year, then I thought if Chriz can take up new resolutions and follow em, then so can I :D , 2 0 1 0 is indeed special it resembles my marks in college, well single digit in each subject actually.

2009 was a funny year, well almost all the years have been funny for me , so a lil of the past and future titbit's around me

I realised how easy is it to be jobless at work and how hard is it to act like being busy at work
I came to know that wearing same colour t shirts with your buddies also makes people think you might be gay

I found out Amy Winehouse is not some inspirational speaker and peace maker

I realised that Pepperoni is primarily of meat and Pepperoni Pizza is not made of Pepper :(.

I also realised that self goal in football does not count and will not be tolerated.

I will bully a kid only after checking am safe to run and not surrounded by his friends.

I will never play cricket with street kids, could not afford losing another match.

I realised TV shows are not just soaps, serials and more like Wife Swapping, who is the father of this child, Take me out .... gulp!

Calories!!!! I made my mind , that I'll will not buy any more chocolate cakes, chocolates to be weight conscious but ,rather eat them when it comes as free.

Great saying :

A New Year's resolution is something that goes in one Year and out the other.

Hmm I guess this is enough of my rantings and gimmicks for the 2009 year , am looking for a year 2010 with lots of work and I promise my blog readers ll try to humor them with my funny bone and not ask them to laugh in the name of slicing their ears. Take care everyone and wish you a super year with God's immense blessing.