Prologue : H2SO4 + me = Blabber
When we talk about chemistry, a lot of things zooms across, like hints development ( though i really did not understand that term until I failed in English-2) .
I tried to give a complex definition of Chemistry like Aamir does in 3 Idiots, but I didn't quite have a good dialogue writer, so let me stick to my basic nonsense. So let me relate an incident which happened in school days. Days I mean, when I did not bunk school - Sorry fellas it was to my bro who will disagree.
I tried to give a complex definition of Chemistry like Aamir does in 3 Idiots, but I didn't quite have a good dialogue writer, so let me stick to my basic nonsense. So let me relate an incident which happened in school days. Days I mean, when I did not bunk school - Sorry fellas it was to my bro who will disagree.
Chemistry is a tiny little alcoholic benzene subject, but fellas it's also something that works between a stupid boy and a very studious girl. Why... Let me explain,
My Chemistry teacher was Charles Durai, he was more of a Charles Durrr.. Because of the durr he produced. Anyway it was in my Tenth std when Chemistry labs were introduced. I was the class representative because of the leadership qualities exhibited by me (giving proxies to friends, games periods, and beatings from class teacher on behalf of other classmates..etc .. accolades). And Penelope had the same straits so she was the girls representative and assistant to me.
The whole class (bribed by me) thought we had a pleasant chemistry between us. Note : The title of this post is Chemistry, so you'll find chemistry tons of time between. We had beautiful times, called as the Golden Era . The Golden Era will be a separate post, so watch for it. In order to impress her I would do weird stuff, now even Blogs are one of them.
Because Penny was very sweet she offered here record notes and other stuff to carry me, obviously she shud be crazy abt me as well. Quite a couple of sessions later in our chemistry labs, I was still not able to find in which test tube Alcohol is placed. As I figured Methanol and Ethanol were there, Alcohol should be some where around. Being the perfect scenario one day, Penny was all dressed up like an output for a high volume reaction, like Magnesium burning in dry ice ( To prove I really studied my chemistry book).
So somehow I seated myself near her, with an attempt to make the chemistry work in the chemistry class taught by the chemistry professor. As our Professor began his lullaby, I heard Ilayaraja music in my ears. She took the test tube from me and started the experiment. It was a team experiment and I had shooed away the rest, in order to make the chemistry works b/w us. Sweet as she is, noticed me not listening to the class and moved away from me. I reckon Shyness perhaps.

Note: If there are grammar and any other English mistakes, do not forgive me as I learned it from you guys! :) And as my disclaimer says, the above is fiction... so pls refrain from imagination.