Before everyone start wondering what the title has anything to do with the picture, its a token of cupid and you will understand once you read the whole post ( I can make my readers read the whole post!)
Now there are various means of expressing desire... err... love. On Feb 14 Lloyd Floyd jumped 10k feet from the plane to prove his cupid smitten love, only to find that someone has picked his girl already during the wait. Chriz even tried to change his red u*****r(kids read my blog too) to impress his opposite house kelavi (old woman) . Fortunately he found out it was a kelavan(old man) not a kelavi. I have been approached by various girls anywways with letters of love, only to have ask me pass the letter on to my friends.
My neighbour Kid ( 7th standard fella.... nickie as "M") is a quite smart lad and one day he came upto me and said he is deeply in Love with the girl by the street end. Shocked,
Me : "Dei , what is Love?"
Kid : " Love is Kiss" . Double shock. I tried to put some sense by explaining its only for adults and not for kids. But he kept insisting me to say what the difference is and so I started elobarating
Me : " Love is like Puri, as you put it in the Oil & Butter of maya it turns happy and fluffy, but once you take it away, it shrinks" I asked him if he understood anything?
Kid : " I want Puri now" , so I had to take him to Saravana Bhavan to stop his hunger!!
Another fine day he wrote a love letter and brought it to me, said I need to give it to his ladylove. I quite got annoyed but curious i opened the envelope. It had a letter and a YO-YO which was free for Boost but he had half the "free with boost" scratched off.
The letter :
I really mess(miss) you in scool, so i want to tell one secret.
" Love is like Puri , you put in oil and it come out big or small. Big my Love...small also my Love. Eat with Kurma or masala. "
So tick the correct answer
Do you love me?
Yes------> ( kiss for you)
No-------> ( no puri for you) .
I really got half funny and scared. So to humor him i said " Kiss is a very sensitive issue and blah blah blah " , I got three taps from behind , turned around to see the Kid's elder sister glaring at me. Obviously she overheard my kissing detail. "Nice" I said to myself.
The kid's sister tied Rakhi ( Not Rakhi Sawant ...!) 6 months in advance to me. My crush on her crushed!Coming back to the Kid's love story, hmmm he did propose to her after a couple of years and they live happily ever after. They can be spotted in most of the Saravana Bhavan outlets in Chennai eating Puri. Doesn't mean am very old, he was 7 i was 17 so technically now he is 17 and am ...... OK fine! Hey Magesh, hope i haven't revealed your identity....oops!Happy Belated Valentine's day everyone! :D