My Boss and I share an eternal bond and am sure most of you love their bosses. If there is sarcasm in my words , then its in the mind of the readers and I always go by my disclaimer notice above.Following is a fictional true conversation between Boss and HaRy.Gone are the days when idle time used to overtake my busy schedule and am back to busy bee, so I can roam around my cubicle 100 times to show am quite busy.Am having sort of the mokai Block,so please spare me fellas.
Boss : Hey Hary... busy day?
Hary : Yep sir, lotsa work yu see..
Boss : Weird! I don't remember sending out any task mails to yu?
Hary : Yu didn't? i have an email from yu ( checks and finds out, it was last week's). ... Oh OK OK!!
Boss : Apparently it means Yu still haven't completed last week's work.
Hary : Ahem! actually, this and that came across to make my mind, think of that... so that...
Boss : Where are yu up to? never in your seat!
Hary : In the cafeteria..
Boss : (Bewildered) What??
Hary : Whats the mission of our company sir?
Boss : Mutual Productivity earned through trust and hard work.
Hary : What?? No way, I have read it in the notice board, it says " Bring your appetite here, Love the slow food"
Boss : S**T , that's the Cafeteria's mission... its an advertisement written below. Well done..!!!!
Hary : Thank you (gulp)
Boss : Hmmm... what do you think of the term "Bench" ?
Hary : Two things 1. Its cruelty , 2. They are old fashioned and only cushion chairs should be used.
Boss : Remarkable stupid creativity you have.... Why are yu late to office everyday?
Hary : Pass
Boss : This ain't any Quiz competition... Cant you learn from Rahul?
Hary : I thought yu asked me to learn from Sachin? No? Rahul is in different dept
Boss : Noooo you are hopeless, I mean learn being punctual, discipline, hard work..
Hary : That eh! oh I learn from you.
Boss : I need to check the HR interview panel , they should be weirdos to recruit people like you.
Hary : Your Wife was the Lead there.
Boss : Gulp!
Following is the picture my friend sent me with caption as " If your boss asks you to work on weekends" ( Click to see a larger image of the Picture, Goyale in Tamil means...i think waste fellow)

How abt yu guys? funny experiences with yur boss? Do share em' ,